Monday 16 October 2017

Diwali without crackers

This year crackers have been banned in the two biggest metropolis of India; Delhi and Mumbai. I cannot imagine a Diwali without fire-crackers though I am the most fearful when it comes to those big laxmi and sutli bombs.
The joy over watching a rocket, lit by you, whirring into the sky (save through the windows) and bursting into a riot of colours, is a joy to behold. All those childhood past-times like putting a lid over the bomb and watch it fly after the ringing burst; locking a cracker into the washers of of a nut-bolt assembly and bringing the assembly down with a thud on the floor; friends lighting a paper with crackers rolled inside; unrolling a string of red and green lavangis on the road. Oh! All those noises and all those colours!! I cannot imagine a Diwali without crackers.
I can understand the pollution it causes, I can understand the wasteful expenditure, I can understand the poor and the destitute but still cannot cope with the fact that you don’t fire crackers. If you have to ban crackers you will have to ban automobiles, consumerism (which is the real bane in the world) and lots more.
I think you can have a cap over some things like discipline in timings or have confined areas like in some places where it is made into a public celebration.
I have a suggestion; why not manufacture pollution free noiseless electronic crackers that gift us all the joy and deduct all the negatives and make it a public pre-announced function in various nodes like I have seen being done in UAE during Independence day celebrations.

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