Sunday, 29 June 2014


 These are the famous words of Albert Einstein. It meant that there was no gambling in the setting up of the cosmos and that all the happenings followed a design and that there was no disorder.

 Thus all the happenings in the sky including the suns shine and the moons  glow or the stars twinkle and more elaborately the life on earth or the dead planets or the gay comets are a plan of the grand design. It thus provides no flexibility and coming to us human beings- the way we think or behave or act has nothing to do with our degree of intelligence or stupidity.

 This also means that all the randomness you see and perceive are not random but originate in a design. It further would mean that you do not have any control over your destiny and that everything is predetermined. You have come to this world with a preconceived fabric and there is no free will. Further you have entered this set up and even God may not have much time to change anything in the scheme of things.

 The greatest ever short story comes to my mind of a servant asking his landlord for a horse so that he could gallop away to another city and escape the wrath of ‘The Lord of Death’ who had seen him in the bazaar that afternoon. Thereupon he flees to the next city only to find the demon funnily asking him ‘I had seen you couple of hours in the other city and I was wondering how you would be here in time!’

 The existence of God has been debated by scientists a lot. Whose business it may have been to trigger the beginning of this cosmos, probably the closest argument is through a Big Bang, according to the theory of astrophysicists. Surprisingly scientists even consider Albert Einstein to have believed in the existence of a divine power as some of his statements point out.

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