Monday 21 September 2015

Its a scary world

If there is anybody claiming he was never afraid of anything in his lifetime should either be a saint or a coward not able to accept realities.
One of the early scares etched in my mind was during the Indo Pak war of 1965. I was then eleven years old. We underwent training in school in Pune (which had an ordinance factory manufacturing ammunition- a worthy target for the enemy which had sabre jet planes which could bomb the facility) about how to protect yourself in the face of an aero attack from the enemy. It was simple. Sirens were attached in different parts of the city and they would hoot a discontinuous sound in a up and down low and high frequency undulating tone on the arrival of signals from the border about possible infiltrations of fighter planes into Indian territory. Upon such a signal all the students in the class had to huddle below their respective desks and benches until as such time as another siren would hoot continuously which would mean that the fighter enemy planes were dog chased back into enemy territory. Imagine the bombs that fell on my head and shoulders during the time we went and came back from school. Playground PT and games were abolished during that period. I had a quaint deep dry throat about the dreams of my future loves being demolished by those devilish fighter planes. At home it may have been cosy in the warmth of the family but the glazed windows were stuck with newspaper shreds to avoid beams of light penetrating outside for the enemy aeroplanes not to notice a residential area and teams of patrolmen kept vigilance all throughout the night.
Similarly all those nuclear bombings during the cold war of Russia and America kept my tender mind in horrid tumult.
Recently there was a picture of a three year old curled up and washed on a sea shore showing the misappropriations of terrorists to appal the world. Terrorists are a most formidable threat to peace. Nuclear armaments may be used to terminate a whole world of peace loving people. Hiroshima and Nagasaki may be specs in such a scheme.
Our Earth which can last billions of years created by a coincidence of great cosmic events could be finished prematurely by the handiwork of a stupid thought. What can be created by humanity is still immeasurable. Our space probes have just passed Pluto, have not even reached the edges of the solar system and our telescopes have probed a few thousand light years in space. There are great mysteries to be solved Cosmic and Humane.
Let us be patient.

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