Saturday 6 June 2015

The Pigs Tale

Once upon a time a king is visited by a fortune teller. The king’s stars foresee that he would be dead in a week. He also predicts that the king would be a pig in his next life. Since he wouldn’t want to live a pig’s life his son the king then would slay him to end his miseries forever.
The futurist suggest that he should immediately swear in his son to the throne and make it known to him about his afterlife. The pig born after his death would have half a curve of the moon on its forehead for the king to be identified.
So said the plan is agreed by the king and the son in the presence of the fortuneteller.
The crown prince was sworn in and the king died within the week.
After the 10th day of mourning, as per rites the son began his search for the new born pig. After extensive search for a few days the pig with the half moon curve is spotted in the neighbourhood. The son immediately retrieves the sword from its sheath and raises it to kill the pig.
Lo and behold the pig twitches its neck and cries in anguish,
‘Wait! Don’t kill me. I have been living with this herd for the last few days. I wish to die no more. I am happy with this life. Spare me and forgive me for my false instructions earlier.’ So saying the pig runs away in its herd joyously.

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