Saturday 20 February 2016

Monogamy, Polygamy and Gay

There are males who run a harem like the lion. There are females who run an organised hive like the bee.
There is one husband and four wives and there are is one wife and five husbands. Some are queer stories of some having husbands and wife both and vice versa. Then males marry males and females marry females. That means you have all sorts of possible combinations
There are male trees and fruitful trees. There are flowering plants and those that reproduce through stems. There are shrubs and bushes and there are savannahs and equatorial forests. There is symbiosis and weeds that multiply in water.
There are galaxies and stars. There are planets and moon. There are quasars and neutrinos.
From celestial objects to tiny microorganisms order and disorder exist alongside each other. In fact disorder is a part of order or vice-versa.

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