Saturday 6 February 2016


I gaze from my window in the uniformly cut glazing and aluminium cladding that envelopes the entire 10 storey commercial building that provides me with an uninterrupted view of the various parameters related to Physics I learnt in school and college relating to Reflection.
I can see in it the views not provided to me directly eg I can see a convex image of heads and bodies diving into the swimming pool which is behind the 17 storied building I stay in. I see people walking along the jogging track and their bodies warp, elongate and shrink as they cross one glass facade joint to other followed by an interruption on account of the aluminium panel and again appear on the other side with subdued figures. The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection, the convex and concave mirror effect play havoc all day long! It is also a matter of my viewing distance and the reflecting distance. Objects may appear smaller or bigger than they are depending on the convex and concave effect.
We are told there are 70,000 thoughts passing through a human mind an average day. These are reflections of your past life which the neurons in your brain cells have saved for an eternity and beyond into the past lives as well, since the development of the brain is genetically improving over generations. (Hence you may be having a better brains than your forefathers ).The worrying thought that occupies your mind the earlier in the day may surpass a number of thoughts involuntarily without creating any flutter as they flash by. It is a healthy mind that can capture the important flow of these and analyse them to your benefit.
In a Virtual Reality game your eyes are obliterated from the real world around you which you naturally see. It is shrouded by an artificial world to make it real. Probably you like to see some of those pictures you have imagined all your life but were not able to decipher them as real pictures. Somebody has obviously thought out wisely for you to get into that virtual world as real. How difficult it would be to get out of this trance and come back to the real world again. Which world is the real? The one you entered into or the world you see around with your naked eyes. Virtual world could be fragments of the seventy thousand thoughts or so that flash out from your mind daily to which you have attached yourself to some extent.

There is a very famous example of how the world you see around you can change your perception once you add extra dimensions to it. What is the difference in the view of the world when a fish is watching swimming from the insides of a rectangular shaped water-tank from that when it is viewing from a hemispherical shaped glass vessel? The lens effect will change the entire world for the fish. They will change the way they swim. They will change the way they eat and they will change the way they live.
Reflection is what you see in a mirror, a glass or a clean stainless steel utensil. One of the most important reflections is of my earlier days as a boy going to a hair-dresser and watching the reverse side of my head into umpteen numbers of reflections set off by slight inclinations of the mirror in my front view and exactly opposite rear view set on the opposite wall behind the back.
What is important is whether the mirror is giving you exactly what you are or a deceptive image of what you are not. Is this your mind playing you around with or the reality? Is this real or virtual? Have I really so many grey hairs? Has my body got so many wrinkles? Are the rivers and seas and the sunshine and the moon real or is somebody manipulating it for me?
You will fall into a maze!

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