Sunday 14 August 2016

Humans, Aliens and the third Entity and the philosophy that makes us

What we consider as the natural way of things could be abstract in the cosmic sense.
Let us begin this with our own body. Essentially we have a head with two upper and two lower limbs joined by a diaphragm. We seek a similar figure of an alien with extensions of this typical body like longer arms or a bolder head and so on.
We tend to think that the oxygen or the composition of the earth’s atmosphere keeps us going. There is a very big theory about the position of our planet earth with respect to the Milky way galaxy. There is something called the goldilocks zone in the Milky Way galaxy in which our Sun is located and the distance of the earth from the Sun and the ideal temperatures that overwhelm the presence of life on earth. We look for planets and aliens in space with similar circumstances whenever we surf through the Hubble or the Chandra Space Telescope.
We feel that the earth is going because of the intelligent life we are and because of the Flora and Fauna around us. We tend to think that the physical abilities/disabilities we are bestowed with is almost perfect and nothing can come close.
That the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west with variations due to the tilt of the poles causing seasons and all this is very ideal. Also the proportion of ocean to earth space and the dissimilar climates makes up the very essence. Also the layers of atmosphere that the earth is surrounded by and the ozone cocoon above that due to which the radiation and the ultra violet rays are blocked is how we live in a cosy comfort.
These and other endless parameters make up the success of earth as a habitable planet. Some saintly people have ascribed all these parameters to be fulfilled to be the intervention of the almighty God otherwise it would be impossible for so many unlikely happenings to come together. So your lives and ours are God gifted and use it to nurture kindness for we are all one.
Let us think this some other way. Imagine that this very God made a separate set of parameters and made another intelligent life whose perception we don’t have at all. Neither can that other ever come to know about us! How will we recognise him? How will we know him? Imagine that it is not water, oxygen, food or climate that is required for his survival. He does not require shelter or is there any need for him to wear clothes. He does not require civilization or industrialisation or for that matter the need of brooks, rivers and seas. There is no need of hills, mountains and rains. Imagine this human having a sack like form without any limbs or head. He has an immune system that does not carry any diseases. That he does not have emotions and feelings and cartilage and boons.
I think it is a possibility. He may be around us or we may be around him. There may be this universe that he may see like we or a parallel universe with entirely new parameters that may co-exist or entirely separated out.
The aliens mean that they are a part of our universe. That we may encounter them some day! That we may speak, eat, fight or have a war for survival of our own community!! May be these are not the parameters that work for the other entity which God created for a parallel universe with other parameters.
Also there is a possibility that there may be infinite universes with any number of parameters. Like, we tend to think these days about having 13 dimensions.
I think it is the eyes that make up the humans. I don’t think only the mind would have worked. The others appurtenances make us formidable enough to think about the entire universe and its philosophies.

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