Monday 8 August 2016

The art of swimming

Most people who know swimming will tell you that the key to good health is swimming. There is no exercise better than swimming! It is also a great pleasure to float on water and that every muscle and sinew gets a rub.
In my school days I used to visit my maternal uncles village during summer vacations. The crops are harvested by March and in May when we visited the fields used to be parched. However there was enough water in the wells to swim and wash your clothes. The learners used to be tied around the waist with branches of drumstick wood entwined with a rope (they are extremely light in weight and can float along-with the weight of your body). I was the type who was extremely scared of water and got choked-up and wary. Every-one around advised me the lifetime rewards of being a perfect swimmer. But still I fled away with a morose face. Again I returned the next vacation to find my mentor, a very senior farmer, again persuading me to learn swimming and I persisted with my fleeing habit.
All the good resorts in the country today have shallow swimming pools with deepest end being 5 feet. All those who know swimming can have a good swim free-styling or breast-stroking and all those who don’t can have a dip quite enjoyable. You can sit, thump your legs on the floor of the pool and get a floating feeling. Worst you could sit on the side-lines and watch people swimming. This is no less meditative!

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