Wednesday 29 July 2015

A P J Abdul Kalam-an Obituary

Born in Rameswaram, the epitome of Hinduism, (and where he will be buried too) and the one who carried with him the knowledge of the Koran, Gita and the Bible and the one who spoke pure Physics as an academia A P J Abdul Kalaam known as the ‘Missile Man’ is no more. The thought still aggrieves me because he was active and 83 and could have inspired students and guided institutions for another 10 years and that could have produced a still better India.
The humble man who acquired infinite knowledge in his lifetime and who pivoted the missile program and was instrumental in the Pokhran nuclear experiment and like Einstein always rued the negative aspects of the nuclear capabilities a nation achieved.
A great teacher, a grandsire of knowledge and humility an extraordinary writer an intellectual with no bounds is no more with us.
Thankyou Abdul Kalam for letting us know the flames of passion, the soaring of knowledge and the dedication of self and the goodness of life.

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