Monday 13 July 2015

July 14-Pluto Flyby

July 14 has arrived and New Horizons will flyby Pluto in some hours and send back amazing pictures of Pluto once considered greyish with red spots. Tombaughs discovered in 1930 as just a speck of light. His kin will watch the flyby with two inches of his ash tucked inside an aluminium shell in the wombs of New Horizons.
Since Jan 19,2006 New Horizons the spaceship is travelling to Pluto. Is it just a coincidence that it has not met with an accident in the infinite space. Or is it that the distance between two shards or meteors or dust for that matter is so huge that one can glide through easily. Its course has been changed nine times. It has passed through the maze of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter and has travelled a distance of 4.8 billion kms.
Man has learned to manoeuvre these unmanned spaceships, the sizes of cars, with ultramodern technology to their will. It takes nine hours for a command to receive response from New Horizons. Spirit lost a wheel (you could say a leg) but the astronomers still managed to move it on the rugged terrain of Mars on the rest of the three wheels. Qudos!
I sometimes feel the spaceships and these robots are made up of flesh and blood and sturdy bone and bear skin like we all humans do.

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