Sunday 19 July 2015

Walk to your health galore

At the age of forty my heart started emitting unusual palpitations. Over visits to the doctor it was confirmed that I had hypertension (popularly blood pressure) and that my systolic and diastolic needed attention. It was said to be a lifestyle (since when style become a disease)disease and besides regular doses of pills and control on salt consumption I had to be sleeping in time, eating well (!) and exercising at least five days in a week. No strenuous exercises and walking is for hypertensive’s. And so the trial was complete. Rest is left to you to mend your ways would yourself be responsible for your own undoing.
Since then I have walked to my hearts galore. Having walked a few years I realised that trial in question was a blessing in disguise. I walked along gothic streets and boulevard watching men and women in quixotic dresses and in linear diabolic gaits talking silently and in hushed tones or agitatedly pointing fingers. I have criss-crossed empty stadiums, with a fifty thousand crowd echo in my ears supporting my icon, in silent amazement. I have walked meandering pathways below a wooded forest with small springs of water coming down hillocks passing me below a little furrow making harmonious jingles and add to this the mist in winters and the picture is everlasting. I have treaded panting hills with billowing grey clouds and from where you can look down to a serene skyline with a wide road going to infinity and a plane hovering above to land with wild birds chirping around in thickets and a quiet town nestled below making no attempts to move life. I had pleasant walks in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi along crisp roundabouts and rows of never ending flowers of different colours and hues with a background of modern skyscrapers and along a corniche and watch distant dhow sway and heave in sparkling waters. Walk along malls in hill stations, climb difficult steepes, follow simple trails in meadows, walk along a narrow street with high red-stone walls.
All those in their late twenties and thirties should not wait for disaster to strike for the modern life would catch you before you say Oh no! Indulge in walking, jogging or swimming. Strike a gym, go for a yogic session. Find what you like. Keep yourself in shape and be fit. You will definitely love yourself.

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